Thursday 19 December 2013

Video: Jeff Lowe's Metanoia

metanoia / mɛtəˈnɔɪə / noun: A fundamental change in thinking

In the early 90's Lowe's life had become an emotional storm. He sought refuge on the infamous Nordwand. In nine days of climbing alone he battled monstrous weather, took a near-fatal fall and triumphed over his emotional demons while establishing the new route (and still unrepeated) route Metanoia.

Metanoia was groundbreaking in style and commitment, it was more than just a climb; Trapped a thousand feet below the summit, riding out a storm Lowe transcended the challenges that brought him to the wall; His world-view changed...

...Lowe, now in his sixties, suffers from a type of neurological disorder similar to ALS. Living in a hospice Jeff is now entering the final chapter of his life, his final Metanoia

"Have fun, work hard, and get smart (in that order)"

Saturday 14 December 2013

Video: First Light - advanced training for the holiday season

"It's visionary. It's truly on the edge of what we could call climbing," says Jesse Huey. A video by Arc'teryx